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Themes by carbon-design-system


Svelte Themes by carbon-design-system

Github Stars Github Stars: 399
Last Commit Last Commit: Jul 13, 2024

Generate TypeScript definitions for your Svelte components

Sveld screenshot
Github Stars Github Stars: 119
Last Commit Last Commit: Jun 20, 2024

Carbon Design System SVG pictograms as Svelte components

Carbon Pictograms Svelte screenshot
Github Stars Github Stars: 393
Last Commit Last Commit: Jun 20, 2024

Carbon Design System SVG icons as Svelte components

Carbon Icons Svelte screenshot
Github Stars Github Stars: 2646
Last Commit Last Commit: May 27, 2024

Svelte implementation of the Carbon Design System

Carbon Components Svelte screenshot
Github Stars Github Stars: 901
Last Commit Last Commit: Aug 19, 2024

:bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend:â €Robust dataviz framework implemented using D3 & typescript

Carbon Charts screenshot